Tutor Name Peter Brookes
Hourly rate for one-to-one €40-44
First online lesson free? No
Lesson Type Online (One-to-One)
Tutor Bio
I've enjoyed tutoring Maths, Economics and Politics for 5 years, as I really like breaking down a concept or topic into its parts so that students can gain a greater understanding and insight. My experience includes a travelling contract with the British School of Monaco and conducting summer school classes in Oxford. I've found that as students understand the content on a deeper level, they become more confident and adept at applying it to problems, including in examinations. My students have increased their attainment by multiple grades using this approach, as they find their ability to grasp concepts more than they initially thought.

Junior Cert

Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE)

Leaving Cert

Applied Mathematics

Third Level

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