Tutor Name Tara
Hourly rate for one-to-one €35-39
First online lesson free? Yes
Tutor Bio
I am a 24 year old Irish postgraduate and have received first class honours in both my undergraduate (BHLS, UCD) and Master’s degree (Biomedical Research, UPF). I have an avid interest in the scientific and medical field, biology was my favourite subject at school and I always knew I wanted to pursue a career in this area.
My aim for these grinds sessions is for them to be two-way and interactive, where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and identifying areas they are finding difficult. Sometimes students may decide to pursue grinds because they feel too nervous to approach their teachers in school with their questions, therefore my main focus of these sessions will be to make the student feel at ease, as there are no "silly questions". I come from a public school myself where it was very common for students to take grinds outside of school, and I want students to feel that it's always okay to ask for some extra help. I understand the immense stress that state exams can put students under, and I would be delighted to make this burden lighter in any way I can.

Junior Cert

Science (Revised Syllabus)

Leaving Cert


Third Level

Dublin 14
Dublin 15
Dublin 16
Dublin 18
Dublin 20
Dublin 22
Dublin 24
Dublin 4
Dublin 6
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